Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Republicans She'll be back Nov 17th 2009 From Economist.com Sarah Palin and the state of the Republican Party

I hope Americans spare themselves the humiliation of a Palin ride again.
It is high time the press celebrates achievement and intelligence, I dare say.
As i mentioned in my book, McCain's choice of Ms Palin horrified most right thinking people.It is time to let her rest.
You can read more about her in my book @ www.bankole-hameedshehu.com

Friday, November 6, 2009

Is Israel too strong for Barack Obama?

Below is my response to an article titled above, as appeared on The Economist dated November 5th 2009.

It is very interesting to note that,Americans still think they can act as unbiased arbitrators. The lopsidedness of lobby towards the state of Israel is glaring. Also, as I pointed out in my recently published book, Barack Obama never made secret his love for the state of Israel, the Jews and his readiness to prevent " a theological Islamic " state of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
Evidently, most elected politicians are pro- Israel and by extension, anti- Palestine state. It does not make for much, expecting the birth of a baby elephant by a rat ( African Proverb).
To ask for a one state solution, does not seem to me like a new thing. A number of Arab leaders had suggested this long time. A notable personality is Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.

I don't know how that would work. But something inside of me, tells me the Israelis would not like that idea. The suffering of the Palestinians is a concern of every peace loving human.If Israel fails to seize this opportunity to be the architects of peace, they may eventually regret the onslaught of the opposite.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New Jersey and virginia- the report card

This is symptomatic of voters in general, it is easy to forget how bad things were just a little over a year ago.

I do not however thing this is a slight on President Obama. It might be a rejection of democrats and their silly ways. The can't seem to make up their minds what they want for their supporters.Most of their men seem to wear jumpers, not suit pants.
Very few of this so- called democrats ( blue dogs- as if there were any dogs in blue), hold the entire cast of President Obama's action team to ransom; in the name of fiscal responsibility. Where were these lazy minds, when George Bush went to Iraq, and blew $billion?
Are these money guzzling democrats so soiled brain, that they cannot see the reason to guaranty health care access to all Americans? As a matter of fact all these dogs must go.
It is better for the president to have a conservative congress than a liberal one. I think.

I had written here before, in one of my comments about the ills of the Republican party members.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

GMAC May Receive Third Bailout From U.S. Government

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- GMAC Inc., the lender that received two government bailouts totaling $13.5 billion, is in talks with the Treasury Department to receive a third lifeline, a person familiar with the matter said.

The U.S. government may inject an additional $2.8 billion to $5.6 billion into GMAC, the person said, declining to be identified because the transaction hasn’t been completed. The deal would involve the issuance of preferred stock, allowing the government to expand its 35.4 percent stake in the Detroit-based company if existing shares are converted into common equity, the person said.

“It’s outrageous that the taxpayers are being asked yet again to support a troubled enterprise,” said Sean Egan, president of Egan-Jones Ratings Co. in Haverford, Pennsylvania. “When will it end?”

The story above was a news item on bloomberg, I respond in my usual fashion.
Not again, when will these parasites stop?

I can see that the present government does not get it, when it comes to the economics of finance, and the limits of government intervention.
Throwing good taxpayers money at these blackened holes, bottomless usury shops, would not solve the issue at hand.
The way business is done by these institutions is the main source of failure. When these guys sat at their tables, fed fat on government, and customers fund, gambled away the main lifelines, they took huge bonuses and went home.When they set the entire nation's financial walls ablaze, we all felt trapped and helpless.
There was a loud call by many to rescue these thieves, I was amongst the few who felt, it did not make any financial sense to bail out these companies and their executives. Yet they did and the rest is both history and current affairs. We all have to pay the salaries of AIG, Bank of American, Goldman Sachs,Chase, and a host of others. The free ride does not stop there. They offered themselves astronomical amounts in bonuses! All on the back of taxpayers. Yes they can.

Save the people some, I say to the President and his economic handlers. Give the funds directly to the American people, release the unemployed from the yoke of the financial overlords. Small business need these monies more than the thieving executives.Mandate change to the foreclosure rules, keep the homeowners in their homes.
Change we can believe in, is one that truly lifts the middle income- to low income people while ensuring that the wealth of the nation is secured and preserved.

Do not give any more monies to these guys.
Before I sign off, check me out @www.bankole-hameedshehu.com or @ http://twitter.com/Ridwanalah.
I welcome your comments.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Fall of Dollar- The Economist Oct 20th 2009

I wrote my view on the subject above, today in response to growing concern about US economy.

It seems the fall or rise of dollars, at this stage means little to millions of jobless.
However, a continued cause for concern to all is the rising deficit, along side skyrocketing numbers of the unemployed. I would like to see the issue of unemployment tackled, just as the health care reform is being tackled.
The rise and fall of currencies also portends business for many on the forex markets and other investors.It remains to be seen if China and Russia would find safer havens for their investment.
Obama administration has its work cut out. Check out www.bankole-hameedshehu.com

Monday, October 19, 2009

REPUBLICANS think about the future - The Economist OCt 17th

Below is my comment on nine questions for Reihan Salam on prospect of the Republican Party
It is plain silly of the present day Republican party adherents to suppose that saying "NO" to every and all things Obama makes for good.
It is sad to listen to some of the so-called angry town hall old men. It is a re-enactment of Gingrich's doctrine of racial purification of the 90s', when he coined the term "angry white -men take over government".
I think the true conservatives in the party, have to stand up to their ideas. There is nothing wrong in guaranteeing health care to all citizens.Recall that even convicts get health care. What then should stop a law abiding citizen from getting access to health care?
Since when does the presence of only 2 companies in the market place become competitive?
It is a known fact that most health insurance markets in US is dominated by a handful of insurers. How do we get premiums down?
Remember that budget deficits are not found in government spending alone,individuals and families run budget deficits. So if the Republican party supports balanced budgeting in the public sector, it must encourage doing same with private persons.
One way to ensure that private individuals don't get into red, is to provide safety net, in services that they almost cannot do without. Assuring the citizens that their premiums are protected, while their access to quality health care is guaranteed is a first step.
Any health care system that leaves its subscribers to vagaries of monopoly is an invitation to disaster.
Another disturbing trend in the party is the rise of hate mongers, Glen Beck and Limbaugh. These radio boys just ooze out rubbish in the name stepping of blacks.
What a spectacle to see that no one party faithful, particularly the elected ones, is able to stand up to these hate mongers.
Yes the Republican party will find a way to win again.

Bank Bonuses- Goldman Sachs

I was never in support of the last bank bail out. i argued that true competitive markets demand that inefficient members, be shown the door. I reasoned that propping out failing institutions, without demanding a fundamental change in the way business was done, and or effecting structural changes in the management of these institutions would only amount to throwing good money after bad money.
Now that i read in the papers and hear the news on TV, about the record amount set to be paid out by the banks,( just recently bailed out), i shudder. What i don't want to say is "I told them so".

These guys on Wall Street actually feel good about gambling with the tax payers monies. Take the case of Goldman Sachs, wow, those guys just got free lunch. They Fed. basically paid Goldman Sachs for doing NOTHING! Incredulous for the world biggest economy. No wonder the "recovery" is jobless. Since when has a country's growth calculated by the profits earned by a few too big to fail banks?
Quick question- did Goldman Sachs just sacked the American people?

It is a sad day when, you hear our lawmakers on both sides of the aisle duck they question of culpability of treasury secretary , the chairman of reserve bank and of the the fed., in the on-going saga. How do you thrown $trillions to institutions without asking for nothing in return?

Someone must be listening.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Banks and bonuses Making hay- The Economist 10/15/09

Here is my response to the article as presented above.
It an utter shame how these banks and their "true owners", the employees and executives carry on.
One only need to think about the effect on merchantability. The credit squeeze is bad for business, while the tax payers groan under huge mortgage loans, that these banks have refused to refinance or modify, the so called good staff return huge losses but take home mountains of cash.

There is no justification for business as usual. The holders of ordinary shares are too many too lose, too diverse to organized at a manageable level to make an impact. Attempting to arrange a united from would be akin to asking the Republicans to vote en-mass for health care over haul. That is not just going to happen.

Economist, management analysts and other thinkers would have to come up with a better approach in reigning in greedy corporate behaviors.
I attempted to shed light on some of these issues in my new book Obama first African American president, it is available online on amazon.com

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A battery made from cellulose- The Economist

This indeed is a celebrated feat, we now have institutions and individuals turning effectively to naturally occurring substance, with little or no pollution effects to get energy.
Small steps but by no means minor, it is really a considerable leap/ peek into the future of powering stuff.

I commend the efforts that lead to this. My website www.truecomfortzone.com is one setup that celebrates this types of new technologies.

The Financial reform

As I write, the US senate is about to complete the first draft of it's version of the much awaited and much promised financial reform by the Obama administration.
Not long ago, approximately one year now, when the Wall Street was set ablaze, by the greedy bankers and it's accomplices. this fire and its' consequences were brought on by greed, near absence of regulations, predatory lending and huge unmitigated risk taking by the financial institutions. The entire country was shaken by the events as it unfolded, politicians all screamed, everyone of them pointed accusing fingers at the other. The republicans, fingered Obama and his party for demanding the sort of regulations that according to them" would stifle competition and slow growth", the democrats countered, that it was the sort of loose or absence of common sense regulations that got Americans were they found themselves. Eventually, change was promised.

This bill, the way it stands does not amount to regulations, but a deal worked out by the same industry that legislators are supposed to regulate. It does not prevent economic and financial mismanagement, it does not reduce the chances of "too big to fail", it puts the tax payers money and effort at risk once again. It is a bill of exclusions rather than inclusions.

In my published book Barack Obama First African American President( available in a few days online-Amazon.com), I argued that the effects of lobby would make true change very difficult to attain.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mobile Money

This article by the Economist Telecoms: The Power of mobile money appeared Sept. 24th 2009. I wrote in response:
The relative ease of mobile banking as offered by the Monitise approach, appears to resolved the issue of accessibility by the relatively "non-mobile" rural dwellers of Africa.
It is by no means a threat to banks, it should be developed to annex business opportunities, devoid of the usurious bank interests.
Some have written that safety may be a concern, i don't think it should be the overriding challenge to its' effectiveness.
Rather ways to further safeguard the process should be encouraged.
In what other ways can the poor and under serviced be serviced by the mobile phones? I guess the innovators are thinking.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Economist wrote: The IMF on economic recovery Snail's pace

Due to the nature of large economies, and the inability of economists to "predict" consequences with any reasonable degree of accuracy, it is OK to say we get there when we get there.

When the largest banks and financial institutions, still remain "too big to fail", the culture of gaming the system will not change. Many more not so big banks would aspire to take on all they can, just to earn the status of too big to fail, only for the cycle to repeat itself. I dare say, in not too distant a future.

Greed, interest taking, and avarice which pervaded the system, including the loose control and oversight by regulating body, will very likely remain. Laws crafted by the different legislative houses, will have too many loop holes in them for exploitation by these financial executives.
Only God knows the future, I rest my case.

Monday, September 14, 2009

All the noise about Serena- "you Lie"

She shouted and mouthed her strong feelings about a situation. What was her offense? I ask. Is it that she is not allowed to express her feelings to an authority? Or is she being held to a higher level off behavioral response, than the rest of US legislators ?
The other night at the capitol hill, one of the less mannered so called Senator, shouted obscenity at the president and got hi-5 from his party stalwarts. This guy is from South Carolina, a self confessed racist, having a place in the exalted office of the Senate of US. A disgrace to the decorum expected from a civilized populace, yet this guy goes unrestrained, unpunished or censored.

Compare that with what has been the web frenzy about Serena's outburst, about a real "lie". She has the legitimate right to demand fairness, she denied a point, a chance to assert her presence. She complained, loud and probably offensive to some, but with a phrase normally used freely by most Americans. She gets censored, analyzed, called out and then fined. Hmmmmmmm, this court must be of a higher plane than the US Senate, or how else does Serena gets the short end of the stick, if the silly guy who shouted "you Lie", is left free unrestrained?

I hope the voters know the truth about those they vote into exalted positions, this Joe Wilson guy is not deserving of a highly placed position, period.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The lesson from Sodom and Gomorrah

The above subject was the topic of one of the articles in "The Economist of Friday August 28th, 2009. I responded to the article and my response is printed below.
I don't know if the heading is appropriate for a serious issue as this. Attempt to plaster this demographic shift as either a gain or loss, depending on how Africans manage their "God sent" increase, is not intellectually challenging enough.

It is a fact that there are chances to make or break, with any growth. the growth of supply side economy in US led to a disastrous collapse of many aged and fabled institutions. The resultant push of combination of greed, avarice and loose management or oversight.

Same scenario as indicated above can be replayed, at the demography management levels in Africa, but that itself does not suggest "Sodom and Gomorrah". Let it be known, that not all failures come from"sin" and not all success come from fort-rightness.
African must master their own destiny ultimately.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trip to Branson, Mo

I was eager to make this 3 day vacation to Branson, for a couple of reasons. The first time I ever traveled to Branson, i was invited by a vacation package organizer, Surrey vacations.

I thought about going back one more time, to revisit the scenic views of the Orzark mountains, and the hospitality of it's people. But I wasn't going to head out to this vacation spot without my family, so I ask my wife if we could accept an invitation , to visit the city, by another vacation share company, Grand Crowne Resort. Her reply was yes, she said it would afford us, a chance to getaway for the summer. Since we had not planned any vacation, at the time the discussion came up, this way last October 2008. She agreed, under one condition though, that i would drive the whole journey. to which i answered in the affirmative, it was a long 7 hours trip with all the stops( distance about 530 miles), the last time we were there. And that was me blasting away in a car i term "pride" of Chrysler, the Chrysler 300.

This time there would not be a Chrysler 300, we would have to travel in our Nissan Pathfinder. not an equivalent vehicle, if you ask me. She wanted to me assume a more responsible attitude, towards driving, especially with long distance travels. I was well aware of the limitations of driving a truck, as compared with a fast car, comfort, ease of travel and the need for speed.

I decided that the Pathfinder, almost new, was comfortable enough for the distance. The truck also scored high for me, in ease of travel, but I had to agree it had offered less in terms of speed. Working with 2 positives, i agreed to drive the Pathfinder. A decision that I would later be pleased with.

When i signed up for the chance to view what Grand Crowne had, in terms of property units, and to learn the advantages of owning one of their vacation units, I asked to be upgraded to 2 bedroom suite. The original offer was a one bedroom unit, which was inadequate for my family.

We had to book and rebook our reservation, as it became difficult to travel. two of my children were attending summer schools, at the very beginning of the summer vacation, while the many travels and schedule of my wife, made it nearly impossible to affirm any date. With some divine intervention, we were able to find a three day weekend/ weekday, in which we could squeeze in travel. that was exactly what we did, so close to the end of summer vacation, and right in the middle of a travel plan for my wife. Yes we did it, and it was fun. The drive was smooth and comfortable as i predicted, but to my plesant surprise, the acceleration was excellent. I did not need any crazy speed though, I was determine to take it "easy".

We had a stop over at St louis, did a bit of sight seeing, without the legendary Arch, which was sold out. We retire to our hotel Hilton at downtown, for the night, after we had dinner at TGIF.

Next morning we set out to Branson, drove a little over three hours, through the beautiful scenery called the Orzark country.

The next two days in this city would prove lovely, boat ride with a show on board, visit to lakeside beach, shopping at the out let mall and lots of good food, including a very nice dinner at Shorty Smalls.
Now back to reality , i have return to ideas about conservation, renewable energy and price of gas. You can read more about these and other stuff @ www.truecomfortzone.com

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hillary Clinton and 2001 Elections- the Nigerian connection

Last night the news was a buzz about Mrs Clinton's speech in Nigeria where she mentioned the ill fated elections of 2001. She was quoted as having said, that the elections which brought the president in, came to just one state, in which the Governor of that state,was the President's brother.

The uproar generated will definitely have it's opponents ( largely Conservatives) on one side of the argument, her sympathizers ( mostly the Liberals) on the other side of the divide, at least here in the United States. The same can be said of the statement as it will affect the discussion on the last Nigerian Presidential elections of 2007, which saw Umaru Yar'adua as the winner.
Here in our country, the major news channel have gone to town, suggesting the secretary of state needed rest, or visit to the gym and even some said of her as having a bad hair day.Here is what i think, back off guys, everyone is entitled to their gaffes ( we tolerate Vice-president Joe Biden's). I think she meant that while the US is the best example of the a democratic governance, she still makes mistakes. it is a accepted fact that the Presidential elections of 2001 was contentious, the Supreme court had to legitimize it.
I also think that Senator Clinton is doing a wonderful job as the foremost US ambassador to the rest of the world. Did she let the pains of the Democratic party's loss of that election come in the way of her better judgment? I think she is the one to answer that.I covered this issue in my soon to be released book Barack Obama the first African American President- successful timing. You can also follow my thoughts on twitter @ http://twitter.com/yakit70

Back in Nigerian, i know lots of people who will be disappointed by her speech, many would be looking to her for chastisement of the ruling party, for allegedly rigging the elections in 2007.To these group of people, i say take heart. She after all, did speak to the major issue that appears to be tearing the fabric of the nation, greed, corruption and avarice of it's leaders.
And to the guys in PDP( the ruling party),I say this to you all Shame, if you think that the respected secretary of state gave your party, a reason to celebrate your ineptitude or a even an acquiescence on any intentions to rig further elections.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hillary Clinton in Nigeria

I am glad to hear that the secretary of states Senator Hillary Clinton is on her way to Nigeria, the most populous country in the African continent, it has been said that may be 1 in every 5 persons of African descent is a Nigerian. It therefore makes it imperative for the US to consider some form of engagement with the leaders of that country.

this is a country that was skirted by the President, Barack Obama during his tour of the West Coast of Africa recently. Many leaders of thought in Nigeria were not at all pleased with, what they considered a slight, when he the President chose to visit Ghana, a relatively smaller country, but a more stable economy. Many of us Americans who share the feelings of this administration, on avoiding the country at least on his maiden visit, were not amused at the statements credited to our Nigerian leaders and other citizens who shared their leaders views.

We felt that a nation that could not organize elections in a free, and fair manner, should not be rewarded. A nation whose leaders only have poor infrastructure to show the world, as evidence of progress need to be told that Obama, was not impressed by the so -called face lift of Lagos state. A state that clears the road for construction, without adequate compensation to those laborers who did the job, and does not offer to clear the log jam created by inadequate remuneration to it's doctors.

As i mention in my soon to be published book Barack Obama, 1st African American president- successful timing, I indicated that many Nigerians in diaspora, preferred Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, during the Democratic presidential primaries, for the single fact, that they trusted her more, to deal with issues arising in their country. This feelings dated back from the days the Clintons were in the white house, many Nigerians, see her and her husband Bill, as very close to Africans, particularly, Nigeria. This closeness, they felt would translate to better relations and good treatment from the US.

It therefore comes as a welcome news that she is in Abuja for talks. I will twit about this on my twitter site http://twitter.com/yakit70.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health care

Sometimes i say to myself, there are all kinds of people in the world, those who know what they want and how to get it, those who do not know what they want, but think they know, those who know what they want, but do not know how to get it, and those who do not know what they want, but like to know if they could get something no matter what it is. Then there are those who truly know nothing and wish every was like them, while still there some who know something everyone should know but deny people the opportunity of knowing.

Make up your mind as you read this blog and decide for yourself which category you belong. I think as a group, the some republicans have been behaving of late like a group of people who know what is truly good for the people, how to get it done for the people and are getting the job done. However, a small portion of those who refer to themselves are angry white males, anti- Obama, Rush Limbaugh followers and the racists among them who know next to nothing but think that they know and infect their unsuspecting followers with viruses of hate , lies and ignorance.
For further readings @http://www.realclearpolitics.com/public_opinion_polls/topic/health_care/. Also check out energy issue @www.truecomfortzone.com.

It is time the true conservatives wake up and lead. That's my two cents.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hot summer day

I stayed in most of the day today, did twitter after the loss of service affected my twit, eh bad. yesterday was much fun, got up after early riser for fajr salat, at past wee hours. A planned trip to the zoo in Chicago was in the works.
Some weeks earlier, my family signed up for the family membership with Brook field zoo in Chicago. This was to avoid paying too much, when we visit the zoo with family and friends. Free parking and additional guest at no fee.
The drive through I290 was tite, traffic was a snare, but we finally arrived at the zoo. Parked the car, got everyone out, the kids running all over the place excitedly, but moms and I were alarmed, as they ran through lines of parked cars. My brother's children were really still just babies, the oldest, the girl barely 7 years of age, and her brother just about 5 years old, visiting from Lagos, Nigeria. We called out to them to behave, and screamed at my children who are much older, the oldest a girl, closer in age to 16 years as could get, and the youngest approaching 11 years, to stick close to their cousins, grab their hands and ensure there are no surprises.

But in stock for us were surprises, as we got through the gates of the zoo, the older children were first to spot the carousel, ran towards it, dragging the younger ones along. It was a refreshing sight for me, I could not imagine the much older ones to be excited by this ride. We let them do this, as we the parents and my daughter begin to wonder how we left our drinks back home. The weather man had predicted a very hot and muggy day, yet here we were, with no cool drinks on us.
Buy costly drinks and ice creams, that was what we had to do, while we sight see. The Alligators were a good view, the river Otters swarm to our delight, the Turtle went about their business lazily, while the Snakes were evidently asleep. If the sleeping snake was seen as lazy, we would learn later that the Lion - male ones, sleep for about 20 hours in a day, while the female ones hunt.
After our first stop at the gator's den, the entire party was fatigued. I found that curious, we barely walked half a mile, it must be the sun, scorching hot, humid and unforgiven. Is this a sign that we need to plan for conservation more? I have attempted to bring "green talk on my web site http:// www.truecomfortzone.com.

It was a beautiful outing after all, Giraffes, Polar bear, Camels, and a host of other animals were a delight to experience.